News | Whether it’s Anime or Manga, we bring you hot


Whether it’s Anime or Manga, we bring you hot, spicy news that will fill, you otakus, with a new found love. We write articles about new Anime adaptations, seasons, and movies. We hand them out to you served on a platter.

The details Are Announced: Guys, we have got to provide you with an inside look about the animated series Dorei-Ku. Hiroto Ooishi's Dorei-Ku: Boku to 23-nin no Dorei is based on a manga series with the same name. Zero-G took...
Once again, the official website of Kakuriyo Yadomeshi, Afterlife Inn Cooking, released a bunch of details on the said new anime adaptation. The writer, Midori Yuma, and the illustrator Laruha worked on the light novel series . the series...
Koi wa Amegari no You ni Unveiled Koi wa Ameagari no You ni official website uncovered a set of details. The latter revolves around the show's overall heading. Particularly, the details provided, which are not less than gold. Not to...
The End Of Btoom! Manga All good things must come to an end. So soon as now, another manga piece will meet its official termination, namely Junya Inoue's Btooom! Monthly Comic @Bunch magazine spilled the beans about the manga's last chapters....